Articles use to define the nature of noun that the noun is of which type either it is a definite noun or indefinite noun. For definite noun we use article THE and for indefinite noun we use article A&AN. As moon is definite and unique in the universe so The is used with moon. A and An is used with indefinite noun.
(आर्टिकल नाउन का प्रकार बताने के लिए use किया जाता है आर्टिकल हमे ये बताता है की नाउन किस प्रकार का है। आर्टिकल दो प्रकार का होता है निश्चित और अनिश्चित the निश्चित आर्टिकल है और a and an अनिश्चित आर्टिकल है। जैसे Moon एक निश्चित चीज है इसलिए इसके साथ The use होता है।)
1.The is used before the name of mountain ranges. (the का प्रयोग पर्वत श्रेणियों के नाम के पहले होता है।) जैसे-
The Himalayas, The Alps, The Vindhyas, The Eastern Ghats, The Western Ghats.
But the is not used before Peaks of Mountains. (लेकिन the का प्रयोग पर्वत की चोटियों के नाम पहले नहीं होता है।) जैसे -
Mount Everest, Mount Abu, Nanda Devi, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Mount Fuji, These are Peaks of mountains so The will not come before that.
2. The is used before the name of Rivers. (The का प्रयोग नदियों के नाम के पहले होता है।)
As The Ganga, The Nile, The Amazon, The Yamuna etc.
3. The is used before the name of Oceans, Sea, Gulf/Bay.
As The Pacific Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean,
The Red Sea, The Arabian Sea
The Bay of Bengal, The Gulf of Mexico
But the is not used before Hudson Bay.
4.The is used before the group of islands.
The Andamans, The Nicobars, The West Indies.
But the is not used before a particular island ( the का प्रयोग द्वीपसमूहो के पहले होता है लेकिन the का प्रयोग किसी खास द्वीप के पहले नहीं होता है)
5.The is used before name of Canals, Aeroplanes, Ships and
Trains. As
The Suez Canal, The Sharda Canal, The Panama Canal etc.
The Meghdoot etc.
The Vikrant etc.
The Rajdhani Express, The Shatabdi Express.
6.The is used before the Nationality Expressing Words. Such As
The Indians, The Italians , The Japanese, The Chinese etc.
Note: But when the Nationality Expressing Words are used as
Countable Noun then A/an is used accordingly. Such As
An Indian, A Chinese etc.
7.The is used before the Name of Religious Books. Such As
The Ramayana, The Gita etc.
Note: But if before the name of religious books there is the
name of Author then the will not be used. Such as,
Valmiki’s Ramayana is correct.
The Valmiki’s Ramayana is wrong.
8.The is used before the name of Directions, such as
The east, The West etc.
9.The is used before the name of desert. Such As.
The Shara Desert, the Thar desert etc.
10.The is used before the name of religious communities. Such
The Hindus, the Muslims etc.
11.The is used before the name of unique things of the world.
Such as
The moon,
The sun,
the world,
The stars,
the sky,
The ocean,
The fog,
the air,
the wind,
the country,
the town,
the north pole,
the south pole,
the weather,
the smoke,
the sea,
pole star,
the mountains,
the sun shine,
the rain.
12.The is used before the name of Government Branches and Armed
forces, such as
The Judiciary, the navy, the army, the police, the
Legilature, the executive etc,
13. The is used before the name of Historicla empire/caste/place/dynasty/building/event/period. (the का प्रयोग ऐतिहासिक साम्राज्य/जाति /स्थान/वंश/इमारत/घटना/अवधि के नाम के पहले होता है।)
(a) Historical Empire:
The Roman Empire
The Mughal Empire
(b)Historical caste:
The Negroes
The Aryans
(c) Historical Place
The Panipat
The White House
(d) Historical Dynasty
The Mauryan Dynasty
(e) Historical Building
The Taj Mahal
The Qutub Minar
(f) Historical Events
The Battle of Panipat
The Civil war
(g) Historical Period/age
The Restoration Period
The Middle Ages
14. The is used before the names of Political Parties. (The का प्रयोग राजनितिक पार्टियों के नाम के पहले होता है।)
The Congress Party, The Bhartiya Janta Party
15.The is used before the name of musical instruments.
The Tabla
16.The is used before the superlative degree.
The tallest man.
The fastest train.
17.The is used before Ordinal Adjectives (as First, Second, Third, Fourth etc. are ordinal Adjectives).
The First Prime Minister of India.
The last Chapter of this book.
The next bus.
Note: But the is not useed before Next/Last+time expressing words (समय सूचक शब्दों जैसे- week/ month/ year/ day/ night/ morning/ evening/ noon/ after noon/ midnight/ monday/ tuesday/ ..................January/ February etc.)
Ex. He came here last night. (right)
He came here the last night. (wrong)
18. For + the + last + period of time ( week, month, night etc.), but Since+Last+ Point of time ( week, month, etc.
(the का प्रयोग for के बाद पीरियड ऑफ़ टाइम के पहले होता है जैसे - For the last week , लेकिन the का प्रयोग since के बाद नहीं होता है।)
Ex. For the last week, since last week
For the last year, since last year
19. (Comprarative degree + of the two + Plural Countable noun) In such kind of expression the is used before Comparative degreee. (इस तरह के बनावट वाले वाक्य में comparative degree से पहले the का प्रयोग होता है।)
Ex. She is better of the two girl. ( Wrong)
She is the better of the two girl. (right)
13. The is used before the name of Historicla empire/caste/place/dynasty/building/event/period. (the का प्रयोग ऐतिहासिक साम्राज्य/जाति /स्थान/वंश/इमारत/घटना/अवधि के नाम के पहले होता है।)
(a) Historical Empire:
The Roman Empire
The Mughal Empire
(b)Historical caste:
The Negroes
The Aryans
(c) Historical Place
The Panipat
The White House
(d) Historical Dynasty
The Mauryan Dynasty
(e) Historical Building
The Taj Mahal
The Qutub Minar
(f) Historical Events
The Battle of Panipat
The Civil war
(g) Historical Period/age
The Restoration Period
The Middle Ages
14. The is used before the names of Political Parties. (The का प्रयोग राजनितिक पार्टियों के नाम के पहले होता है।)
The Congress Party, The Bhartiya Janta Party
15.The is used before the name of musical instruments.
The Tabla
16.The is used before the superlative degree.
The tallest man.
The fastest train.
17.The is used before Ordinal Adjectives (as First, Second, Third, Fourth etc. are ordinal Adjectives).
The First Prime Minister of India.
The last Chapter of this book.
The next bus.
Note: But the is not useed before Next/Last+time expressing words (समय सूचक शब्दों जैसे- week/ month/ year/ day/ night/ morning/ evening/ noon/ after noon/ midnight/ monday/ tuesday/ ..................January/ February etc.)
Ex. He came here last night. (right)
He came here the last night. (wrong)
18. For + the + last + period of time ( week, month, night etc.), but Since+Last+ Point of time ( week, month, etc.
(the का प्रयोग for के बाद पीरियड ऑफ़ टाइम के पहले होता है जैसे - For the last week , लेकिन the का प्रयोग since के बाद नहीं होता है।)
Ex. For the last week, since last week
For the last year, since last year
19. (Comprarative degree + of the two + Plural Countable noun) In such kind of expression the is used before Comparative degreee. (इस तरह के बनावट वाले वाक्य में comparative degree से पहले the का प्रयोग होता है।)
Ex. She is better of the two girl. ( Wrong)
She is the better of the two girl. (right)
In this way we can see that where the is used. The common sense behind the use of the is- The is used before the name of anything that is certain we can see this in any example such as The Sun, The Himalaya now somebody can say that why we use the before the name of mountain ranges, but we do not use the before the name of Peaks. The answer is that Mountain Ranges are unique and in any mountain Ranges there are several peaks, which are not certain. We can apply the same logic for Groups of Island and single Island. The simple logic is that apply your common sense before the use of the.
( इस प्रकार हम देख सकते है की the का प्रयोग उन्ही Nouns के पहले होता है जो निश्चित है जैसे- The Sun, the Himalaya . अब कुछ लोग कह सकते है की पर्वत श्रेणियों के नाम से पहले तो the का प्रयोग किया जाता है पर चोटियों के नाम से पहले क्यों नहीं किया जाता। इसका उत्तर ये है की पर्वत श्रेणिया अद्वितीय है और निश्चित है कई सालो से है और आने वाले कई सालो तक रहेंगी पर एक पर्वत श्रेणियों में कई चोटिया होती है और इनका जीवनकाल भी निश्चित नही होता है ये बनती बिगडती रहती है इसलिए चोटियों के नाम से पहले the का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। सामान तर्क द्वीप समूह और द्वीप वाले उदहारण में भी दिया जा सकता है।)
Sir Why the is not used before Bay of hudson
ReplyDeleteSir why the is not used before bay of Hudson